Help to make a documentary film that is going to honor the WWII generation:

Chasing Time  : What the WWII generation taught a millennial in her quest to catch them BEFORE IT WAS TOO LATE

Life Lessons that the WWII Generation Taught a Millennial

For the past eight years, a millennial has been after people who were alive during World War Two. She has been Chasing Time as she captures stories from WWII vets, Holocaust survivors, liberators of concentration camps, and many others who all experienced the war in diverse ways. The interviews have been so fruitful that from all these interviews she has decided to make a documentary film:  Chasing Time.

She has been forever touched by what WWII vets and other individuals from this generation have imparted to her. She interviewed hundreds of people. Now she wants to share with the world what they divulged to her. During the past eight years, as she sat in nursing homes, VA hospitals, retirement villages, VFW’s, and American Legion posts interviewing veterans and individuals who experienced WWII, she learned innumerable lessons that ultimately made her want to become a better person.

The WWII generation is a rapidly dwindling generation. The expediency to complete this film about the G.I. generation within a few months is so that individuals from this generation who are still living can see how much they imparted to her generation. She would like to complete the film in order to honor these individuals and give them an opportunity to see all that they did for future generations.

She would like to make a passionate plea to you to help make this project a realization. The video below further explains the documentary film. The film is now in the process of obtaining funding. Please donate to help to complete this film.

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